Rhode Islander love


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun An inhabitant or a resident of the state of Rhode Island.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

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  • AP reports: “Republican Party groups are spending $1 million or more to save its notoriously independent-minded Rhode Islander from defeat in next week's primary, attacking his conservative challenger with a gusto usually reserved for Democrats.”

    Midterm Roundup 2009

  • Jayne's a fellow Rhode Islander so I'm a bit biased, but I really enjoy her posts, particularly when she's sharing stories and photos about her kids helping in the kitchen.

    Archive 2009-03-01 2009

  • As a proud Rhode Islander who thinks of my state as a leader when it comes to treating others with dignity and respect, it troubles me to think we've fallen behind in granting our gay and lesbian family members, friends and neighbors something as fundamental and important as the right to have their relationships fully recognized by the state.

    Steve Clemons: Same Sex Marriage, Environment & Jobs: Lincoln Chafee Should Be Rhode Island's Next Governor 2009

  • I recognize that faith influences political decision making, but as a Rhode Islander, this news gives me pause.

    Lincoln Chafee: Roger Williams, the First Amendment and the Presidential Campaign 2008

  • O ` NEILL: Well, to answer my fellow Rhode Islander ` s question, it was about -- Nick -- John Graziano had been staying at the Hogan home basically for about six years.

    CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2008 2008

  • I'm a father of a 7-year-old and a 5-year-old, the youngest of seven, and a lifelong Rhode Islander.

    CNN Transcript Feb 23, 2003 2003

  • As for Providence, scene of the latter half of the book, I can attest as a longtime resident of that city that D'Ammassa, a fellow Rhode Islander, has nailed the burg down quite nicely.

    Asimov's Science Fiction 2003

  • WILLIAMS: He sent a messenger with an order relieving him from command and appointing Ambrose Burnside, a Rhode Islander, to take his place as commanding general of the Army of the Potomac.

    Judging Lincoln 2002

  • Washington thought the proposed plan about as good as any that could be fitted to limitations that could not be overcome, but it was doubtful whether Greene would agree to remain as Quartermaster General or whether, in event the Rhode Islander and his deputies retired, the most essential requirements of the troops could be met.

    Washington Richard Harwell 1968

  • Washington thought the proposed plan about as good as any that could be fitted to limitations that could not be overcome, but it was doubtful whether Greene would agree to remain as Quartermaster General or whether, in event the Rhode Islander and his deputies retired, the most essential requirements of the troops could be met.

    Washington Richard Harwell 1968


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